Anti-Trump Group Drops Mail Piece Against Bob Corlew in Tennessee 6th District

Nick Ryan

The American Future Fund, a 501(c)4 group that funded multiple attack ads against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election has filed information with the Federal Election Commission indicating that they have just spent $17,500 for a targeted direct mail piece against Republican conservative businessman and former Judge Bob Corlew.  Corlew is locked in a tight primary battle with businessman John Rose in the 6th Congressional District to fill the seat being vacated by Congresswoman Diane Black. Black is running for Governor.

In 2016 alone, the organization spent $6.7 million in attacks against Trump, describing him as a “fraud,” “a phony,” and a “B.S. artist.”  The group recently ran negative ads against South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, a staunch and early Trump supporter. Trump appeared at a campaign rally for McMaster the night before his runoff election in South Carolina last month.  McMaster won the runoff and is expected to easily carry the state in November.

The American Future Fund was founded by Nick Ryan in 2007 and is based in Iowa.  The group has spent funds opposing other pro-Trump candidates during this election cycle.

FEC regulations require the disclosure of independent expenditures related to a Federal campaign, such as Congress, within 48 hours after they are made at this point in the election period. The mail piece is expected to hit mailboxes in the next day or so.

Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill says that the primary race between Rose and Corlew is close and that outside groups could play a significant role in who wins and loses that primary. “In a district and state where Donald Trump enjoys extraordinarily high approval ratings, an anti-Trump group like American Future Fund is playing with fire by getting involved. Their ‘support’ for Rose could actually help Corlew secure the Trump base,” Gill noted. “They are helping anti-Trump Republicans in other races across the country so it is not really very surprising — but it is definitely a risky play.”






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6 Thoughts to “Anti-Trump Group Drops Mail Piece Against Bob Corlew in Tennessee 6th District”

  1. benton temple

    Lol. Judd ain’t even in the ballpark in this race. Neither is Corlew. John Rose is going to be a U.S. Congressman-elect in November.

  2. Kevin

    Judd Matheny IS still in the race, and just because he might have run a less than stellar campaign (he hasn’t gotten the BIG bucks from all of the Establishment) , he is still the most Conservative candidate running. Judd Matheny has been leading the true Conservative members of the Tennessee House of Representatives for years. He is the only candidate running in the 6th that will be invited to be a member of the US House Freedom Caucus.

    VOTE for Judd!

  3. Stuart I. Anderson

    It’s heartbreaking that Judd Matheny couldn’t put together a more effective campaign this time around because he will make a wonderful conservative Congressman and another House Freedom Caucus member. Even more important for conservatives than sending Judd to Congress, however, is keeping the likes of John Rose OUT OF Congress. When the Republican Primary begins and one candidate has the significant financial support of liberal Democratic bundlers like Rose conservatives know the story and that’s a candidate you don’t want to fill a safe Republican seat that should be occupied by no worse than a tepid conservative. I’m afraid Rose is much, much worse than a tepid conservative.

    I don’t envy the conservative voters of the Sixth. The article doesn’t even mention Judd. Is it that hopeless? Do you go with No Record Candidate Corlew in order to stop Rose? Good luck, but PLEASE, I don’t want to wake up August 3rd to find that John Rose won.

  4. Bruce Avilla

    Hey what’s with the missing detail about Judd Matheny ALSO being a candidate for the 6th Congressional District?! It’s all three running – Matheny, Rose, and Corlew. Please don’t leave out the important details.

  5. Josh Read

    PRIMARY RACE or RHINO Auction?
