Columbus Anti-Trump Rally Fizzles, Leaving Protesters to Blame the Weather or ‘Fatigue’


Anti-Trump protesters would have you believe the weather, or “numbness” are to blame for a lack of interest in their recent rallies. If that is the case, why do their numbers so low?

The Columbus Dispatch reported an anemic turnout at a protest against President Donald Trump that took place around the Statehouse in Columbus on Friday. The purpose of the rally was to call for the president’s impeachment and removal, and it included a march to U.S. Sen. Rob Portman’s (R-OH) office.

However, only about 36 people attended the rally.

Peggy Yates attributed the low turnout in the chilly wind to “Trump fatigue.”

Another protester, Mary Counter, said many Americans have been numbed about Trump’s actions.

“We’re like frogs in boiling water,” she said.

Columbus is not the only American city where anti-Trump protests have been less than successful lately.

Last month, the president visited Chicago to speak at a police chief’s conference and attend a fundraiser.

Police had prepared for 20,000 protesters, but the turnout was only 3,000 to 6,000, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Most of the city, it seemed, was content to monitor the president’s brief visit from the comfort of their home or office, if they paid attention at all.

By midafternoon, with Trump headed back to Washington, downtown streets slowly reopened, barricades were packed away and life returned to normal.

Meanwhile, the Daily Journal reported on November 1 that thousands of the president’s supporters lined the streets for his visit to Tupelo, Mississippi, far outnumbering protesters.

A few dozen people showed up to protest the president’s proposal to ban e-cigarette flavors. Others were present to protest his decision to pull American troops out of northern Syria.

However, the president received more support than vitriol from the crowd in Tupelo.

Super fans such as Richard Snowden of Gordonsville, Tenn., who has attended 58 rallies, and Gene Huber of West Palm Beach, Fla., who has been to 17 rallies, waited in Tupelo since Tuesday to welcome Trump’s arrival. Snowden said he was happy to be in Tupelo and offer Trump support.

“He unfortunately receives so many unfair, unwarranted attacks from the opposition,” Snowden said. “We come out to give him love back to replace all the detractors that unfortunately attack him falsely.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Anti-Trump Protests” by Becker 1999. CC BY 2.0.




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