Bipartisan Legislators Seek to Stop Venezuelan Oil Exports Until Maduro Leaves Power

Venezuela Bill

Florida Reps. María Elvira Salazar (Republican) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Democrat) presented a new bill in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, in a bipartisan effort to increase pressure on the communist Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro.

The main objective of the Law to Repeal Venezuelan Oil Exemptions to Stop Autocratic Repression (REVOCAR Act) is to prohibit new licenses for transactions with the Venezuelan state oil company (PDVSA).

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Maduro Accuses Elon Musk of Spending $1 Billion to Orchestrate Anti-Communist Coup in Venezuela

Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro accused American businessman Elon Musk of investing at least $1 billion to attempt a coup in the South American country.

“Elon Musk invested in the coup d’état, the fascist outbreak, the violence against the electoral process in Venezuela for no less than 1 billion dollars,” Maduro said during his weekly program ‘Con Maduro+’.

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New Illegal Alien Caravan Heading for U.S. Ahead of Election

Yet another caravan of illegal aliens is currently making its way towards the southern border of the United States, hoping to cross the border before a possible victory by former President Donald Trump in the November election.

As Breitbart reports, the caravan consists of about 1,000 illegals, and started at Mexico’s southern border; it is currently en route to Mexico City, at which point it will disband and scatter as it makes its way to the border. It is the second major illegal caravan to start in Mexico since October 1st, following the inauguration of the new President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum.

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U.S. Boots Hit Ground in Israel as Threat from Iran Looms

American Troops

U.S. servicemembers arrived in Israel on Monday amid the country’s chaotic multifront war with various actors in the region, and more troops will arrive soon, the Pentagon said on Tuesday.

The Pentagon previously announced on Sunday that the troops would be deployed to the Middle East along with a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile battery system, meant to help Israel defend itself against potential aerial attacks against missile attacks from Iran. The approximately 100 troops that arrived on Monday will help operate the THAAD system, though the Pentagon wouldn’t say when it would be operational, given the sensitive security nature of the situation.

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New York City Residents on Edge as Tren De Aragua Gangsters Terrorize City

New York Coty Mayor Eric Adams with NYPD officers

Tren de Aragua (TdA)-associated gangsters as young as 11-years-old are wreaking havoc on Times Square out of a migrant shelter in New York City, and they’re getting away with it, sources told the New York Post.

Around 20 migrants in the TdA-associated gang called “Los Diablos de la 42” are robbing residents and tourists in New York City neighborhoods while avoiding jail time due to their young age, sources in the New York Police Department (NYPD) told the New York Post Monday. TdA has gained notoriety in the United States after multiple reports emerged this year of their activities in major U.S. cities such as Aurora, Colorado, and El Paso, Texas.

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Afghan Terror Suspect Flagged Before Arrest as Border Records Conflict with DOJ Story

Nasir Ahmed Tawhedi, the Afghan refugee charged last week in Oklahoma with plotting an Election Day terror massacre was previously flagged by U.S. Customs Border and Protection this summer, weeks before his arrest, during a re-evaluation of his 2021 entry into the country, immigration records reviewed by Just the News show.

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Commentary: After Just Four Years of Biden-Harris, America’s National Security Is in Tatters

China President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden

Ronald Reagan’s query to the American people in his October 28, 1980, debate with incumbent President Jimmy Carter was so simple and so devastating that it is still employed today: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” While most Americans are far worse off today than they were four years ago, with rising prices, inflation, a hollow economy, and unchecked immigration, so too are the U.S., its allies, and its partner’s national security interests, which are far worse off than they were four years ago.

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Zelensky Meets with Pope Francis During His Tour Promoting a ‘Victory Plan’ amid War with Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Pope Francis on Friday during his European tour where he is touting a “victory plan” for Ukraine’s ongoing war with Russia.  Francis and Zelensky met privately and talked for 45 minutes, according to The Associated Press. 

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How FEMA Got into the Illegal Immigrant Business, and Who Is Covering It Up

In the midst of the last major budget crisis in Washington, Democrats diverted money and the legal authority to put the nation’s disaster relief agency into the business of caring for the millions of illegal immigrants who crossed the border on the Biden-Harris administration’s watch. And now both parties seem to be trying to obfuscate the truth.

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GOP Sen Rails Against Biden-Harris Admin for ‘Catastrophic’ Middle East Policy One Year After October 7 Hamas Attack

Republican Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst told President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday that their Middle East policy has been “catastrophic,” one year after the October 7, 2023, invasion of Israel and the subsequent war that broke out in the region.

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Democrats Push Overseas Voting, but Republicans Sound the Alarm over Fraud Concerns

As Democrats are pushing overseas voting in the November election, Republicans and election integrity advocates are sounding the alarm over possible fraud that could occur with absentee ballots sent from other countries.

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At Least 1.5 Million Illegal Southwest Border Crossers Reported in Fiscal Year 2024

Migrants in Group

A minimum of 1,525,210 foreign nationals illegally crossed the Southwest U.S. border in fiscal 2024, according to preliminary data The Center Square exclusively obtained from a Border Patrol agent on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal.

The data excludes Office of Field Operations data, gotaway data (those who illegally entered and evaded capture), and northern border apprehension data, meaning the overall number is likely much higher.

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Report: ‘High Risk Noncitizens’ Without IDs Flying Across U.S.

Illegal Immigrants

Twenty-three years after Islamic terrorists used airplanes to conduct the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, the federal agency created to protect Americans from national security threats “cannot ensure they are keeping high-risk noncitizens without identification from entering the country.”

The potentially high-risk noncitizens are being flown on domestic flights without identification, creating a public safety risk, according to the latest Office of Inspector General report assessing several federal agencies within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

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Universities Secretly Take Billions in Foreign ‘Ghost Dollars’: Report

College Students

American colleges and universities are accepting billions of dollars in foreign money without reporting it, according to a new report.

The National Association of Scholars released the report, which says that taking money from foreign governments and organizations without reporting it has become commonplace among American universities.

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Commentary: More Than 150,000 Violent Convicted Criminals Released into U.S. as Kamala Harris Visits Southern Border to Find Out What’s Going On

“I say, I told you so.” That was former President Donald Trump’s reaction at a Michigan rally on Sept. 27 of tens of thousands of violent, convicted criminals being let into the U.S. by the Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security, according to the latest data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released on Sept. 25 via Congressional oversight by U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas).

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California U.S. Rep. John Duarte Unveils Plan to Rescue Bankrupt Farmers from China’s Economic Assault

Texas Farmer in field

Republican California Rep. John Duarte unveiled his plan to save American farmers from possible financial ruin due to long-standing Chinese tariffs in an exclusive interview Wednesday with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Group: $1 Million Offer Still Stands for ‘Queers for Palestine’ to Host Parade in Gaza

Queers for Palestine march

A watchdog group parked mobile billboards at two universities last week, offering one million dollars to fund a pride parade in Gaza or the West Bank for any pro-Palestinian organization willing to organize it. No one has taken up their offer yet.

New Tolerance Campaign has advertised the “$1,000,000 Gay Pride Parade Challenge” at the University of California, Los Angeles, Columbia University, and the Human Rights Campaign headquarters since September 16.

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Commentary: The Corrupt Economics of Immigration

The common refrain among supporters of the Democratic Party’s open borders policy is that immigration helps the economy. A very recent example of this was published in MSNBC Daily last month, where the author, David Bier of the Cato Institute, claims that “The Congressional Budget Office finds that the surge will boost the economy by $7 trillion and reduce the federal debt by nearly $1 trillion by 2034.” That’s actually an unimpressive statistic since the cumulative GDP of the United States over the next decade will easily exceed $300 trillion, but Bier is probably not wrong in his assertion that immigration increases GDP.

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Cuban Intelligence Exploited Sister Cities Partnerships in an Attempt to Influence Public Officials


The Cuban regime could be trying to exploit sister city partnerships to influence U.S. policy throughout the United States and advance its agenda, an ADN investigation cross-referencing documents and public records shows. Sister Cities International is registered as a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 and serves as the national membership organization for individual sister cities, counties, and states across the United States.

The organization facilitates agreements based on cultural, educational, information, and trade exchanges between two geographically and politically distinct localities, but the concept of sister cities has been used by other organizations as well, and has long been scrutinized by Congress due to concerns about how China might exploit sister-city partnerships in the U.S. for espionage or to gain influence.

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Commentary: The Case Against Foreign Aid


The main argument in favor of foreign aid is that rich countries can and should help poor countries become more prosperous. And plenty of politicians are following that approach. According to the latest data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, donor governments gave away more than $220 billion last year. But advocates of foreign aid say that’s not enough. The folks at the United Nations assert that rich countries should double their foreign aid budgets.

Skeptics of aid have a different perspective. They explain that foreign aid is not successful and that increasing aid budgets would be throwing good money after bad. They argue that foreign aid is wrong in theory since it focuses on giving money to governments rather than the pro-market policy reforms that would boost growth. And they argue that foreign aid has failed the real-world test since countries receiving large transfers have not climbed out of poverty.

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Venezuelan Gang Tren de Aragua Expands Criminal Network into the U.S.

A notorious Venezuelan gang is extending its tentacles into the U.S. on the back of the Biden-Harris administration’s border crisis, and experts say that immigration authorities have no way of identifying the criminal group’s members before they hit American soil.

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Non-Citizens Added to States’ Voter Rolls Through DMV, Even After Admitting Lack of U.S. Citizenship

Non-citizens have been added to several states’ voter rolls largely through motor vehicle departments, sometimes even after they have explained that they are not U.S. citizens.

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Texas DPS Sounds Alarm on ‘Special Interest Aliens’ Illegally Entering from Mexico

Special Interest [Illegal] Aliens

Texas Department of Public Safety Lt. Chris Olivarez is sounding the alarm about an increase of “Special Interest Aliens” (SIAs) being apprehended attempting to illegally enter the U.S. from Mexico.

In a social media post, he published a video of an interview between a Texas DPS trooper and a Turkish national, who was with a group of other Turkish men who illegally entered the country and were identified as SIAs.

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State Department Paying for Play Where God Is Bisexual and Communists Are Good in Bid to Push LGBT Rights Abroad

The Biden-Harris administration is paying to put on a play that portrays God as bisexual, sharply criticizes former President Ronald Reagan and paints communists in a positive light, all in an effort to push gay rights on Southeastern Europeans, federal grant records show.

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Commentary: More Than Just Millions of People

Illegal Border Crossers

by Michael A. Letts   It’s not just millions of unvetted illegal aliens — the left likes to call them “migrants” and “refugees,” to give this dangerous deluge a better mouthfeel — who have poured across the uncontrolled southern border in the three-and-a-half years since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris…

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FBI Report Estimates $5.6 Billion in Cryptocurrency Fraud Losses

Currency, cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency scams and fraud in 2023 contributed to an estimated $5.6 billion in losses, a report from one of the federal government’s top law enforcement agencies says. 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Cryptocurrency Fraud Report for 2023 found that the vast majority of losses – about $3.9 million – were related to cryptocurrency investment scams. 

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Twice the Number of ICE Detainers Issued Under Trump than Biden, Analysis Reveals

Suspected Illegal Border Crossers

Twice the number of detainers were issued for criminal illegal foreign nationals under the Trump administration than the Biden administration, according to a new analysis of federal data published by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC). The nonprofit data research center is affiliated with the Newhouse School of Public Communications and Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University.

Detainers are issued by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), otherwise known as “immigration holds,” to apprehend and detain often violent individuals wanted for a crime in another country, arrested or convicted of one in the U.S., or placed in removal proceedings by a federal immigration judge.

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Victor Davis Hanson Commentary: The Biden-Harris World Is Afire


Somehow the United States ended up this summer with no engaged president and an absent vice president who avoids the missing president and is frantically repudiating everything she co-owned the last three years.

The world was already confused over how President Joe Biden was apparently declared by unnamed Democratic insiders and donors unfit and unable to continue as their presidential candidate — as if he were a dethroned Third-World usurper.

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Dem Rep Grace Meng Serves as ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ of Org Reportedly Linked to Chinese Intel Agency

New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng has longstanding ties to an organization reportedly linked to a Chinese intelligence agency and alleged Communist Party operatives, the Daily Caller News Foundation found.

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A.G. Yoast Suggests Courtroom Battle to Stop Feds Dumping Migrants in Ohio

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced Monday that his office is investigating how to stop the Biden-Harris administration from continuing to resettle massive numbers of foreign nationals into his state.

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ICE Incapable of Monitoring Unaccompanied Minors Released into U.S., Inspector General Says

Illegal migrants at border

The Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a management alert to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to make it aware of an urgent issue: ICE is incapable of monitoring hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children (UACs) released into the country by the Biden-Harris administration.

“We found ICE cannot always monitor the location and status of unaccompanied migrant children who are released from DHS and HHS custody,” HHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari said in a memo to the deputy director of ICE.

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Report: Thousands of Christians Targeted and Killed in Nigeria

Africans Praying

A new report says that Nigeria has been systematically persecuting Christians, including executing thousands, in an “unrelenting…time bomb.”

As Fox News reports, the claims come from Open Doors International, a faith-based non-profit which focuses on raising awareness of persecutions across the world. Open Doors says that Christians, as well as “Christian communities, their livelihoods, faith leaders, and places of worship” are being “deliberately targeted” in the African nation. It has gotten to the point where Christians are “an endangered species” in Nigeria, Open Doors stated.

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Florida Sues over Violent Foreign Nationals Being Released from Prison into U.S.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody

The state of Florida is suing the Biden-Harris administration to obtain information on how many illegal foreign nationals convicted of violent crimes who served time in prison were released into the U.S. instead of being deported.

“Historically, when illegal aliens were brought to the U.S. to be prosecuted for their crimes, it was well understood that the aliens would be deported once they have served their sentence,” Florida’s lawsuit, filed by Attorney General Ashley Moody, states. “That was until the Biden-Harris Administration implemented their shockingly irresponsible immigration policy, pushing unknown numbers of dangerous criminals straight from federal prison into our communities and causing chaos, anarchy, and crime.”

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Maduro Regime Requests Arrest Warrant Against Edmundo González Urrutia

Venezuela ‘s Attorney General’s Office asked a court specializing in “terrorism” crimes at midday on Monday to issue an “arrest warrant” against the standard-bearer of the largest opposition coalition, Edmundo González Urrutia, and the greatest rival of dictator Nicolás Maduro.

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Teen Girl at Baseball Game Stabbed by Previously Deported Illegal Migrant, Police Allege

A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a man local authorities say is a previously deported illegal immigrant. The 14-year-old girl was watching her brother’s baseball game in Lowell, Indiana, on Saturday when a man randomly stabbed her in the hand and fled the scene, according to NBC Chicago. Law enforcement arrested Dimas Gabriel Yanez, a 26-year-old Honduran national, following an extensive manhunt that ended on Sunday amid a foot pursuit in a Lake County cornfield.

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Army Ranger Turned Lawmaker Wants Congress to Alter War on Terror Authorization to Hit Iran Proxies

House Foreign Affairs Committee member Rep. Warren Davidson, R-Ohio, said that there have been talks among members of Congress about modifying legislation to push the Pentagon to be tougher on Iran for attacks on U.S. soldiers. 

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Northern Border Sector Continues to Break Records in Apprehensions

Illegal Borger Crossers

The busiest U.S. Customs and Border Protection sector at the northern border continues to break records in apprehensions with foreign nationals coming from 85 countries to Canada to illegally enter the U.S.

In less than 10 months, Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended 15,000 foreign nationals from 85 countries who all illegally entered the U.S. through Canada, the greatest volume reported in this time period in recorded history.

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Bill That Would Give Illegal Immigrants up to $150,000 to Buy Homes Heads to Gavin Newsom’s Desk

Illegal Migrants

A bill passed by the California state legislature on Wednesday that would make some illegal immigrants in California eligible for generous cash assistance to buy homes has been sent to the desk for consideration of Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom, according to Politico.

Under AB 1840, illegal immigrants with social security or taxpayer-identification numbers would qualify for a program called California Dream for All that gives first-time home buyers up to $150,000, with recipients only having to pay interest if they sell the property, Politico reported. Newsom has declined to comment on whether or not he will sign the bill after some moderate Democrats joined Republicans in the California Senate in an attempt to block the legislation.

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Canada Officials Express Alarm About Terrorism Threats and Its Impact on U.S-Canada Border.

Illegal immigrants arrested at U.S.-Canada Border

In addition to members of Congress expressing alarm about national security threats at the U.S.-Canada border, members of the Conservative Party of Canada are blaming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government for being responsible for creating them.

A Canadian House of Commons hearing was held Wednesday to investigate how the Trudeau government granted citizenship to a member of ISIS who allegedly plotted a terrorist attack against Canadians.

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Tim Walz Has a History of Rubbing Elbows with Nonprofit Linked to Chinese Intel and Influence Agency

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, has a long history of attending events organized by members of a nonprofit with connections to a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence and intelligence agency, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.

Since 2018, Walz has attended multiple events hosted by members of the Chinese American Association of Minnesota (CAAM) and related organizations, including one 2022 fundraiser for his gubernatorial campaign, according to a DCNF review of dozens of Chinese government announcements, Chinese-language news reports and social media posts.

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